Ich könnte diesen Post jetzt so anfangen, wie man es bei dem Namen des Nagellacks erwartet: "Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand, welcher ist der schönste Lack in diesem Land?" Mache ich aber nicht.
Stattdessen hier eine kleine Anekdote aus meiner Kindheit (es gab mehr als nur Mariah Carey in meinen Kindertagen).
Meine absolute Favoritin unter den Märchenfiguren ist Schneewittchen. Dieser Look. Schwarzes Haar wie Ebenholz, weiße Haut wie Schnee und blutrote Lippen (sie hat den oxblood-Trend schon kommen sehen O_O). Ich weiß nicht, wie oft ich die Verfilmung von Walt Disney schon gesehen habe. Ich kann sie auf Deutsch und Englisch mitsprechen- und singen, Letzteres ist im Klang zwar unschön, aber der Wille zählt. Ich habe sogar mal eine Hausarbeit über Grimms Märchenmeisterwerk geschrieben. Und ja, ich besitze auch ein Schneewittchen Karnevalskostüm. An dieser Stelle muss ich meine Eltern kurz erwähnen. Sie sind großartig. Die besten Eltern überhaupt. An meinem ersten Schultag allerdings ließen sie mich im Rotkäppchen-Komplettlook inklusive Rotkäppchen-Schultüte auflaufen. Macht Sinn wenn man weiß, dass Schneewittchen meine Heldin ist. Danke dafür. Beweis siehe unten.
Aber zurück zur eigentlichen Geschichte.
Aber zurück zur eigentlichen Geschichte.
Wie wahrscheinlich war es also, dass ich diese Farbe haben musste? Richtig. Unumgänglich. Hinzu kommt, dass Muir Muir On the Wall auch noch eine echte Traumfarbe ist. Zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe geschlagen. Muir Muir On The Wall aus der diesjährigen Herbst/Winter San Francisco-Kollektion hat einen leichten Duochrome-Effekt: Die Farbe changiert zwischen Braun, Pflaume, Bordeaux und Olivgrün. Ich finde, dass es eine Mischung aus Espresso Your Style und Every Month Is Oktoberfest ist (hier und hier zum Vergleich). Er braucht zwei Schichten um voll deckend zu sein. Muir Muir On The Wall ist enthalten in dem Little Bits of Chic-Miniset. Eventuell werde ich mir die Farbe noch in Fullsize kaufen. Ein Back up kann ja nie schaden. Ich möchte irgendwann schließlich nicht fragen müssen: Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand, welcher war der schönste Lack in diesem Land?
I could start this post with the famous phrase "Mirror, mirror on the wall which is the fairest nail polish of them all?". But no. I want to start this with some child hood memories (yes, there is more than Mariah Carey): My favorite fairy tale princess of all times is snow white. Her look. Hair as black as ebony, skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood (she saw that whole oxblood trend coming like ages ago). I don't know how many times I have seen Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I can sing along the whole thing, sounds horrible, but hey I always put my heart in it. I even wrote a research paper on Grimm's best known fairy tale and yes, I do own a snow white costume. I have to mention my parents at this point: They are just great. They are the best parents on earth. But on my first day of school they decided to dress me up as the little red riding hood to match my little red riding hood school cone. Great idea, if your kid's favorite fairy tale is the little red riding hood. Can't image that? See below.
But back to snow white.
Of course it's no coincident that I needed a color named Muir Muir On The Wall. It's not only the name, it's also the color. So so pretty. Muir Muir On The Wall has been released with this year's fall/winter San Francisco collection. It has a duo chrome effect and the color changes depending on your angle between plum, brown, dark red and olive green. If Espresso Your Style (swatches here) and Every Month Is Oktoberfest (see it here) had a love child, it would be Muir Muir On The Wall. I needed two coats for full opacity. It's part of the Little Bits of Chic-Miniset, but I think I will need a full-size bottle of it as a back up. Imagine me asking "Mirror, mirror on the wall, which was the fairest nail polish of them all?". The horror!
I could start this post with the famous phrase "Mirror, mirror on the wall which is the fairest nail polish of them all?". But no. I want to start this with some child hood memories (yes, there is more than Mariah Carey): My favorite fairy tale princess of all times is snow white. Her look. Hair as black as ebony, skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood (she saw that whole oxblood trend coming like ages ago). I don't know how many times I have seen Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I can sing along the whole thing, sounds horrible, but hey I always put my heart in it. I even wrote a research paper on Grimm's best known fairy tale and yes, I do own a snow white costume. I have to mention my parents at this point: They are just great. They are the best parents on earth. But on my first day of school they decided to dress me up as the little red riding hood to match my little red riding hood school cone. Great idea, if your kid's favorite fairy tale is the little red riding hood. Can't image that? See below.
But back to snow white.
Of course it's no coincident that I needed a color named Muir Muir On The Wall. It's not only the name, it's also the color. So so pretty. Muir Muir On The Wall has been released with this year's fall/winter San Francisco collection. It has a duo chrome effect and the color changes depending on your angle between plum, brown, dark red and olive green. If Espresso Your Style (swatches here) and Every Month Is Oktoberfest (see it here) had a love child, it would be Muir Muir On The Wall. I needed two coats for full opacity. It's part of the Little Bits of Chic-Miniset, but I think I will need a full-size bottle of it as a back up. Imagine me asking "Mirror, mirror on the wall, which was the fairest nail polish of them all?". The horror!
Told you. |
In artificial light |
With flash |
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