Der Sommer ist endgültig vorbei. Es ist an der Zeit, die Boots und Schals herauszukramen und luftige Kleidchen zu verstauen. Trotzdem kann man genau jetzt prima in Sommererinnerungen schwelgen (dabei unbedingt einen Pumpkin Spice Latte von Starbucks trinken). Ich tue das, in dem ich heute ein paar richtige Sommernagellacke aus der Mottenkiste krame. Ich habe absolut nichts gegen Knallfarben, ein bisschen Neon schadet nie. Aber da ich eher ein Herbsttyp bin und ich dunkle, schimmernde Farben einfach lieber mag, bin ich an dem Neon Revolution-Miniset von OPI ewig herumgeschlichen. So lange, bis Ania es mir unter die Nase hielt. Ich bin leider nicht mehr dazu gekommen die Farben zu tragen, weil ich schon früh wieder auf dunklere Nuancen gepolt war, aber meine Swatchsticks können immerhin schon einen Eindruck von diesen Knallern geben.
Summer is over, for good. Now it's time to get your boots and scarves and put away your lovely summer dresses. So it's the right time to reminisce about your memories of summer (pumpkin spice latte for that purpose?). To me summer is all about bright colors. I like the bright ones, but when it comes to fall colors, I'm totally in. So it happened, that I let the OPI Neon Revolution mini set pass me a couple times until my friend Ania put it under my very nose. I couldn't menage to actually wear these, because I switched to fall colors really early. But I guess that my swatchsticks can give you an impression of how the colors will look on your nails.
The set includes four colors, one bottle of white base coat and a top coat. I definitively recommend the white base coat that goes under the neon polish. It really makes the colors pop! The pigmentation of these were nice, but you really need two thick or better three generous coats to even everything out, because some of the polishes (talking to you, blue one) tend to be very patchy and streaky.
The colors of the mini set are: Don't Say It - Yellow It!, a neon yellow with a little bit of egg yolk in it; The Time Is Pow! a wow orange neon; Pink Outside the Box, a hot, bright pink and Blue It Out of Proportion, a bold cobalt blue.
Das Set enthält vier Neonfarben, einen weißen Basecoat und einen Topcoat.
Der weiße Basecoat ist auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen, da die Farben durch ihn erst richtig zur Geltung kommen. Die Lacke sind zwar recht gut pigmentiert, brauchen aber zwei wirklich großzügige oder besser noch drei ordentliche Schichten, um wirklich gleichmäßig und deckend zu sein (besonderes Problemkind: der blaue Lack).
Das Set enthält die Farben: Don't Say It - Yellow It!, ein kräftiges Gelb, ein wenig Eidottergelb; The Time Is Pow!, ein knalliges Orange ohne Gelbstich; Pink Outside the Box, Neonpink und Blue It Out of Proportion, ein intensives, mittleres Blau.
Das Set enthält die Farben: Don't Say It - Yellow It!, ein kräftiges Gelb, ein wenig Eidottergelb; The Time Is Pow!, ein knalliges Orange ohne Gelbstich; Pink Outside the Box, Neonpink und Blue It Out of Proportion, ein intensives, mittleres Blau.
Summer is over, for good. Now it's time to get your boots and scarves and put away your lovely summer dresses. So it's the right time to reminisce about your memories of summer (pumpkin spice latte for that purpose?). To me summer is all about bright colors. I like the bright ones, but when it comes to fall colors, I'm totally in. So it happened, that I let the OPI Neon Revolution mini set pass me a couple times until my friend Ania put it under my very nose. I couldn't menage to actually wear these, because I switched to fall colors really early. But I guess that my swatchsticks can give you an impression of how the colors will look on your nails.
The set includes four colors, one bottle of white base coat and a top coat. I definitively recommend the white base coat that goes under the neon polish. It really makes the colors pop! The pigmentation of these were nice, but you really need two thick or better three generous coats to even everything out, because some of the polishes (talking to you, blue one) tend to be very patchy and streaky.
The colors of the mini set are: Don't Say It - Yellow It!, a neon yellow with a little bit of egg yolk in it; The Time Is Pow! a wow orange neon; Pink Outside the Box, a hot, bright pink and Blue It Out of Proportion, a bold cobalt blue.
All swatches with white base coat, three coats of color and top coat |
Left to right: Don't Say It - Yellow It! The Time Is Pow! Pink Outside the Box and Blue It Out of Proportion |
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